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Congregational Business Meeting

Writer's picture: Etown CoBEtown CoB

The Fall Church Council Meeting was held on December 3rd in the fellowship hall and online following worship and a delicious meal sponsored by the youth! Approximately 73 persons were in attendance.

Moderator Joe Detrick referenced the importance of teamwork recorded in the Book Nehemiah (Ch. 1-4) as Nehemiah led the Jewish people to action in the rebuilding of the walls and Temple. The people shouted, “Let’s start building!” And the people “committed themselves to the common good.” (2:18) “For the people had a mind to work.” (4:6) In like manner, challenged the Moderator, “For the congregation at Elizabethtown had a mind to work.” This theme of “commitment to the common good” continued throughout the Council deliberations marked by thoughtful and spirited discussions.

Regular action items included the acceptance of the reports from the treasurer, church board, and pastors. Recognition was given to Jeff Eisenbise for his faithful service as Board Chair for the past two years. Joyfully approved was the 100% affirmation to relicense Jason Haldeman to the ministry in the Atlantic Northeast District! Thoughtful discussion surrounded the proposed budget for 2024. An amendment was offered to increase several line items of the proposed budget. Following much respectful deliberation, the amendment was unsupported resulting in the majority approval for the proposed budget.

The Endowment Integrity Committee reported on their ongoing conversations regarding investment holdings. Among the ongoing questions to be discerned included “What are the theological guidelines to our giving and use of the funds?” A fuller report and recommendations will be made to the Church Board in the Spring of 2024.

The Council voted unanimously to affirm the recommendations of the Gifts Discernment Committee regarding the 2024 Church Leadership Slate. Pastor Elizabeth concluded the meeting with prayer.

May the Shalom of God be with you this Advent Season!

Joe Detrick, Moderator

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