28 Then approaching, one of the ordained theologians having listened to them debating [and] noticed that he responded well asked him, “What is [the] premier commandment of all?” Jesus answered, “The first is: ‘Hear Israel, God our Lord is one Lord, and you will love your Lord God out of your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind and your whole resource.’ Second is this: ‘You will love those near you as yourself.’ There is no greater commandment than these.”
32 So the ordained theologian said to him: “Well, teacher, you speak truth since he is one and there is no other, only him; and to love him out of a whole heart, a whole comprehension and a full resource capacity and to love the neighbor as one’s self is more than all the burnt sacrifices and offerings.” When Jesus observed that he responded thoughtfully he said to him, “You’re not far from the sphere of God’s influence.” And no longer was anyone daring to ask him anything.
Walt Wiltscheck’s focus was on Jesus’ final words to a scribe, a type of ordained theologian, associated with the Jewish Temple complex during the week leading to Passover as Mark tells the story. In particular, Walt burrowed in on the phrase not far from as he applied scientific measurement notation to Jesus’ words: “nanometer” (something unthought-of when the scripture was written). His point, of course, is that near, no matter how near, is not the same as within. Walt interprets Jesus to be urging this person to “Keep on going. It’s not far now!” He invites us to assess our own spiritual goals as we continue to take our next step. It is not enough to be on the right trajectory if we are not moving forward. An important reminder to us all: we cannot stand firm if we are to follow Jesus; we must be on the move. We are to embrace change, growth, adventure, courage to take the next steps in trust.
In the full text of chapter 12, this is part of a series of what scholars label as “conflict sayings.” Strikingly, there is no conflict in these verses. Two men of faith have an exchange on what it means to be people of faith, and they agree. Of interest in this story is that for all we know, this is Jesus’ first and only exchange with this individual. This exchange is qualitatively different from the other encounters with people of faith in the Temple complex. Here it appears that Jesus and the scribe had found meaningful common ground. What are we to make of the fact that there is no after-story? There’s no invitation for the scribe to follow Jesus, no command about his next steps, only an ambivalent “affirmation.” Does this speak to us in our conflict settings in the faith community?

I love the way you further the issue here and show its application. Motives matter, and yet we seldom hear on Jesus' lips the motives of others. (More often, it's the Gospel authors inserting their idea of motivation.) Jesus dealt with what folk said and what they did. Motivation matters in how we interpret the meaning of what we hear, read or see in/from others, but often those "motives" are what we project onto the other --- and not always accurately.
Wow, Gina. You're really pushing us --- and in a good, although uncomfortable, way.
Maybe it is a question of motives. As John David said, most questioners were trying to test Jesus, to make of him a fool or worse. But the text says that Jesus observed that the scribe responded thoughtfully. He had different, more positive motives - to learn, to discuss in honesty, to discern the truth. Maybe he needed no other direction because Jesus saw he was already on the right path and trusted him to continue in this way. When I am involved in conflict, or witness it, I am often reminded that I cannot know the motives of people's actions or speech and that I therefore shouldn't judge. But motives matter - so how do we deal with them? What example does Jesus provide?
The interesting thing to me in today's passage is the last verse: "After that no one dared to ask him any question." What were they afraid of? What, if anything would we have been afraid of in that situation?
Thank you for this old Gospel song. I recall it from my youth and yet notice that I do not find it in any of my archived Brethren Hymnals. The sentiment here is one I strive for as well and hope we as a congregation can sing in first person plural (a corporate mission as well as a personal one). Thank you for calling to my memory! I hope to keep it in my spiritual toolbox!
Thank you for your wisdom, JohnDavid. I am motivated by your comments, especially the part in which you nudge us toward action: "It is not enough to be on the right trajectory if we are not moving forward. An important reminder to us all: we cannot stand firm if we are to follow Jesus; we must be on the move." Those words make me want to take charge in areas where I have been feeling powerless. It would feel great to have more control over what is happening!
But, that illusion of control may be my taking things too far. Your next statement reigns me in with the reminder that what is happening should not about what I want or feel but about what God wants: "We are to embrace change, growth, adventure, courage to take the next steps in trust." Perhaps I need to work more on letting go and letting God.
Thank you for prompting me to think deeply about today's devotional entry. I think I need to revisit one of my favorite hymns--