I never really realized why those of the Catholic faith lit a candle when entering the sanctuary to pray and I appreciate knowing more about this practice. I really like the idea and the author's daughter's thoughts that this was a place where God both sees and hears prayers. I am going to try this practice in quiet times at home.
Well known Quaker, Isaac Penington wrote: 'But of what nature is this light, which shineth in man in his dark state? It is of a living nature; it is light which flows from life; it is light which hath life in it; it is the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Word eternal, which is the light of men. And he who cometh to the true understanding may thereyby distinguish it from all other lights whatsoever.' For me, this quote links beautifully with Kathy's text about Quiet because Quaker meetings are mostly silent, focused on the Light.
Thanks for posting this, Frederique. As a long-time member of Harrisburg (PA) Friends Meeting, now sojourning with Etown COB, it was great to read a quote from someone I know and appreciate. Meeting for Worship in silent expectant waiting can be a very powerful experience. I appreciate that the pastors include a period of silence before the spoken prayer during worship.
I never really realized why those of the Catholic faith lit a candle when entering the sanctuary to pray and I appreciate knowing more about this practice. I really like the idea and the author's daughter's thoughts that this was a place where God both sees and hears prayers. I am going to try this practice in quiet times at home.
Well known Quaker, Isaac Penington wrote: 'But of what nature is this light, which shineth in man in his dark state? It is of a living nature; it is light which flows from life; it is light which hath life in it; it is the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Word eternal, which is the light of men. And he who cometh to the true understanding may thereyby distinguish it from all other lights whatsoever.' For me, this quote links beautifully with Kathy's text about Quiet because Quaker meetings are mostly silent, focused on the Light.