In today’s reading, we are given the vision of blossoms in the desert. I am reminded of several things, including photos of flowers growing through cracks in concrete or parched earth. Wiltschek’s words, “. . . life finds a way . . . ,” also made me think of that same line, famous for its dinosaur reproductive context in the first Jurassic Park movie. Evidently, this thought of life bursting into bloom in unlikely circumstances is something that strikes a chord on the heartstrings of many.
Most important of my connections, though, is a wonderful book I want to recommend, A Blossom in the Desert: Reflections of Faith in the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter, compiled and edited by Miriam Huffman Rockness. This is a lovely book of watercolors, scripture, and personal insights from a British woman who felt called to the mission field in Algeria, most of which is desert. Trotter worked there from the late 1880s to the 1920s. Her art and writings reveal a connection of nature with scripture. She offers an interpretation of images and events with a Godly perspective that brings peace to one’s soul. Her viewpoint sees beauty in that desert and in the lives of the people there, and her watercolors are marvelous. The introduction to the book is a short biography explaining who Trotter was so that the reader has some background. Years ago, I had read the book as a devotional, and I am feeling drawn to do that again. In looking for a photo of the cover, I learned that a paperback version is due to release next week and may be pre-ordered through Amazon. I don’t mean to sound pushy, but the book is not an easy find, and I feel confident that you will benefit from its pages. I know I have–and will again.

I like being able to look at the big picture and apply a lesson to our personal lives from that. The quote you mention, Chris, does just that!
Today, I feel as if it has been raining and grey for years. That makes me feel down, even though it isn't dry. I think I need a strong dose of gratitude to refocus my attention on the hope and joy that are surely just around the corner.
Thank you for sharing the information about Lilias Trotter. I love her artwork!
I found this meaningful from Walt's reflection: "Even in the dry periods of our souls, hope blossoms and joy returns."