Rachel Bucher Swank
Music Coordinator
Rachel is in her 13th year of teaching 7th grade general music and working as the MS musical director at Manheim Township Middle School. She has a Masters of Education in at-risk populations as well as a certificate in peace building and conflict transformation from EMU and is currently a Masters of Music and Peacebuilding student at Etown College. She is currently a ministry intern here at Etown CoB.
In her free time, Rachel loves spending time with her husband Mike and daughters Annika (9) and Quinn (4), cooking interesting new foods, reading anything her book club throws her way, enjoying live theater, volunteering at Camp Swatara, and continuing to explore her call as a CoB licensed minister. As a family, they travel regularly to Austria and surrounding countries to visit friends and family, give her girls a chance to practice their German, and connect with new people and cultures.