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A Floral Ministry

A familiar sight for over 40 years at all Love Feasts, funeral meals, and other occasions where we gathered to share a meal has been small baskets of fresh floral arrangements in the middle of each table. These beautiful arrangements were prepared for each occasion by Barb Shaw with flowers and greens mostly from her yard. How do we properly thank Barb for all those years of such a loving ministry except to say, “We all are deeply grateful.”

Recently, Barb realized it was time to give up preparing the floral baskets. Therefore, she donated a large amount of lovely artificial floral arrangements as a substitute. Perhaps you saw them on the tables at Love Feast on Maundy Thursday when they were used for the first time.

Barb shared that she would be happy to give her large collection of small baskets to anyone who could use them. Just another “Barb gift.”

Love to you, Barb.

Submitted by Vida Sue Snavely, Deacon

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