Liz Bidgood Enders
Pastoral Team
Liz is part of three generations of women in ministry (including her grandmother and aunt). Her grandfather was also a pastor. Her original plan was to be a veterinarian, but she felt a draw to ministry in her first year of college and has continued in that path ever since. She has served in congregational ministry since 2000, serving in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, and has also worked or volunteered in hospital, psychiatric, prison, and retirement community centers as a chaplain. In addition to being an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren, she is a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC), has training as a Spiritual Director, and has completed Basic and Master level certification courses in Biblical Storytelling. In addition to serving as interim Pastor for Congregational Care, Liz is also Associate Chaplain at Londonderry Village.
She has a passion for stories of all kinds - biblical, personal, and fictional - and finds deep meaning in the ways God and sacred worth are revealed through the stories we hear, read, and tell. Ecumenical and interfaith connections have helped to broaden her view and experience of the world and of the Divine, even as her faith is grounded in Christianity and the heritage of the Church of the Brethren. Other special interests include: sign language, spending time in nature, continuing education, meditation practices, music, playing games of many varieties, and being with family.
Liz is married to Greg, who is also a chaplain and has been a pastor. They met while they were students at Elizabethtown College, and both are also graduates of Bethany Theological Seminary. They each spent a year in Brethren Volunteer Service as workcamp coordinators. They have three children, two of whom are current at Etown College, and the third is starting high school. In addition, they have two dogs and a cat.