What actions might one take to symbolize the beginning of a journey from brokeness toward wholeness?
The wearing of ashes is widely practiced on this day. How has that tradition--or another practice--become meaningful in acknowledging that our bodies and our lives belong to God?
The line that catches my attention is "intentionality about entering the season of Lent." I confess to not being moved by the negative and rituals for forgiveness. I am more inclined to think of Lent as the opportunity presented in v. 10: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." That is a powerful positive way to look at lent,
I remember one of the Advent devotions talking about the lighting of a candle when praying. I have never done that but I am attracted to the use of a visual symbol linked to our prayers. I also never have had ashes placed on my forehead at the beginning of Lent but again, the linking of that symbol to our prayers for forgiveness and a reminder of what God has/can do for us is pretty powerful. Ashes are what is left when we have been purified, what is left when we die, and what can be used to start anew. They can be the sustaining symbol for our Lenten journey, our hope, our re-creation.
I resonated with the verses in Psalms 51 that say,
"Tune me in to foot-tapping songs, set these once-broken bones to dancing."
"God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life." (Sounds like Last Sunday's Formation session.)
"Put a fresh wind in my sails!"
From the Message
' forgive us our debts'
' forgive us our de as we forgive our debtors ' ..... seems to have taken on a deeper meaning this morning !