When we become focused on ourselves, it’s easy to lose the “big picture” perspective and get discouraged. Our troubles can seem so big.
When we get out in nature and look up at the vast sky, it can help us take a deep breath and regroup. God’s creation is bigger than ourselves, bigger than our problems.
Looking up can remind us of the vast power of God. Yet, He cares about us and is willing to be connected with us. Amazing!
I really appreciate your connection, Gina. We can't go wrong with Robert Frost! Your comment has prompted me to look up the whole poem. Thank you!
I know the meaning is not exactly like the author's point, but this devotional made me think about one of my favorite poems, Robert Frost's Choose Something Like a Star. "So when at times the mob is swayed to carry praise or blame too far, You may choose something like a star to stay your mind on, and be stayed." There have been so many times I have been upset about something and have gone outside to look up and find solace in the stars and in these words.