Not exactly. Priorities have always been a part of my life. Recently I've made a commitment of time to the Nurture Commission, adding that to the priorities of my life post-pandemic. It's about time I forget about my own career and turn more to serving others, and I have recommitted to doing that through politics, local government, and my writings. What is new is adding the church. I didn't comment on the March 3 post because I'm not "giving up" anything - I've chosen instead to give.
Lois, I like your twist on the "giving up" vs. "giving." Your ability to prioritize is a good model for others. In the short time we've been meeting together, I have become appreciative of your logic and well-spoken way of getting to the heart of the matter at hand. I am blessed by your sharing. Thank you!
I feel as if the devotional author can read my mind! I read the Isaiah verses about gold and silver idols and thought, “Well, this doesn’t apply to me.” Then, in the devotional, it seems Wiltschek knew that I would think that!
The author then connects today’s reader with those verses by asking, “What in your life comes between you and God? What bumps God off your schedule?. . . bad habits or distractions or obsessions . . . .”
I’ve recently felt like I’m under a heavy cloud. I don’t seem to get anything done with my days, and I don’t know why. Now that I reflect on the devotional questions, I believe distractions are my problem. Once I turn on the computer, I seem to get lost in it. I need to use it, so I now see the need to prioritize and set boundaries.
For me, this devotional is asking some hard questions that require self-reflection and . . . [gulp] . . . change on my part.
Is anyone else connecting with the devotional in this way?
Either I don't know how to see other posts or people aren't doing much posting yet.....
Not exactly. Priorities have always been a part of my life. Recently I've made a commitment of time to the Nurture Commission, adding that to the priorities of my life post-pandemic. It's about time I forget about my own career and turn more to serving others, and I have recommitted to doing that through politics, local government, and my writings. What is new is adding the church. I didn't comment on the March 3 post because I'm not "giving up" anything - I've chosen instead to give.
I feel as if the devotional author can read my mind! I read the Isaiah verses about gold and silver idols and thought, “Well, this doesn’t apply to me.” Then, in the devotional, it seems Wiltschek knew that I would think that!
The author then connects today’s reader with those verses by asking, “What in your life comes between you and God? What bumps God off your schedule?. . . bad habits or distractions or obsessions . . . .”
I’ve recently felt like I’m under a heavy cloud. I don’t seem to get anything done with my days, and I don’t know why. Now that I reflect on the devotional questions, I believe distractions are my problem. Once I turn on the computer, I seem to get lost in it. I need to use it, so I now see the need to prioritize and set boundaries.
For me, this devotional is asking some hard questions that require self-reflection and . . . [gulp] . . . change on my part.
Is anyone else connecting with the devotional in this way?